
The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for immigration. Our office may be able to help Fraser residents with immigration questions.

What we can do
• We can ask the Department of Home Affairs about the status of your application if you have been waiting longer than the expected processing times. You can check these times here: Visa Processing Times.
• Check if the Department of Home Affairs has all the information needed to process your application.
What we can’t do
• Recommend which visa you should apply for.
• Help you apply for your visa.
• Provide you with legal advice relating to your application.
• Ask the Department to speed up your application.

Help with Visa Applications
• Only certain people can help you with your visa application. This help is called immigration assistance.
• Information about who can help you with a visa application is available at: Who Can Help with Your Application.
• The Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) is responsible for the registration and regulation of Australian migration agents.
• The Authority explains the steps to take when choosing a migration agent here: Choosing a Migration Agent.

Advocacy & Support
 The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) - Get Help
 Refugee Legal - Get Help
 Red Cross – Emergency relief support for temporary visa holders, people seeking asylum, and people with an uncertain visa status


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides individualised support for people with permanent and significant disabilities. The agency responsible for the NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

What we can do
• Help you understand the NDIS process.
• Raise queries or concerns directly with the NDIA.
What we can’t do
• Direct the NDIA to approve or speed up an application or plan.
• Resolve a problem if you haven’t tried to resolve it through ordinary channels first (for example, calling the NDIA on 1800 800 110).

Advocacy, Support & Legal Assistance
 Disability Gateway - Provides information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends, and carers.
 Ask Izzy - Search for independent Disability Advocacy providers.

Legal Support
 AED Legal Centre
 Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service
 Mental Health Legal Centre
 Disability Discrimination Legal Service
Centrelink and Medicare

Services Australia is the Federal Government department that provides Centrelink, Medicare, and Child Support services. If you are having trouble with any of these services, we may be able to raise your concerns directly with Services Australia and help resolve your matter.


What we can do

• Ask Services Australia about the progress of your application.
• Help you understand Centrelink, Medicare, and Child Support services.
• Clarify questions you may have about Services Australia.


What we can’t do

• Provide you with financial advice.
• Complete Services Australia applications for you.
• Resolve a problem if you haven’t tried to resolve it through ordinary channels first.

Services Australia
 Website: Services Australia
 Payment and Service Finder
 Financial Information Service Officers

Advocacy, Support & Legal Assistance
 Social Security Rights Victoria
 Economic Justice Australia - Fact sheets covering Centrelink issues.
 DSP Help by Social Security Rights Victoria
 DSP & Me by Disability Rights
Veterans’ Affairs

For more information, visit Department of Veterans' Affairs.
For mental health support, visit Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling.

Aged Care

My Aged Care is your starting point to access government-funded aged care services. My Aged Care can help you access a range of services including help at home, short-term care, and residential aged care.
What we can do
• Help you understand My Aged Care packages.
• Explain the process of applying for a My Aged Care package.
• Check the status of your package.
• Answer any questions you might have about My Aged Care.
What we can’t do
• Change the level of your package.
• Influence how quickly you will receive a service.
• Resolve a problem if you haven’t tried to first resolve it through ordinary channels (for example, calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422).

For more information, visit My Aged Care or call 1800 200 422.
For complaints about aged care, visit Aged Care Complaints.

Advocacy & Support
• Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) - Phone: 1800 700 600

NBN & Telecommunications

NBN Co is building the national broadband network (NBN). The NBN delivers broadband across the country, which could be what you use to connect your home internet or use your phone.

What we can do
• If you are experiencing problems with your NBN connection, we may be able to assist by contacting NBN Co directly on your behalf in an attempt to resolve your matter.
• Contact your NBN provider or telecommunications provider if you have a general inquiry about your account.
What we can’t do
• Provide tech support for NBN or telecommunications services.
• Change your plan or services for you.

For Assistance
 National Broadband Network - National broadband service.
 Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) - Telecommunications services & consumer complaints.